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Positive Changes Start With A Baseline

As we reflect on the events of the past year, it’s clear that 2020 has been a rollercoaster ride filled with unexpected challenges and opportunities for growth. Despite the ups and downs, positive change is within reach when we plan and take action. So, let’s gear up to update our calendars and planners and set the stage for a brighter future!

Change is a natural part of life, and it’s wonderful to embrace it to achieve positive results and personal growth. But how do we navigate these changes effectively? Well, the key is to start with a baseline. Before we can make meaningful changes, we need to honestly assess where we are right now and what we are currently doing. It might sound strange, but many of us go through life on autopilot, unaware of our daily habits and routines.

Imagine someone trying to lose weight; the first step often involves tracking food intake with a journal for a week or two. This simple act establishes a baseline for diet, helping that person understand eating habits and patterns. The results might be a surprise, but having this data is essential for making informed decisions about what one needs to change to reach the desired weight loss goals.

Similarly, many of us unknowingly spend more than we earn, especially when using credit cards. Without tracking our expenses, we may find ourselves in financial trouble. Likewise, some people struggle to accomplish their weekly tasks because they are unconsciously wasting time on activities that don’t contribute to their goals.

For example, a friend of mine felt like she never had enough time, but she couldn’t figure out why. So, she decided to track her time for a week, and what she discovered was eye-opening. She realized that she spent hours in front of the television each day, time that could have been better used for errands, chores, socializing, or working on her career-related projects.

The key lesson here is that awareness is the first step to change. To make meaningful progress, we must become aware of our actions and habits, understanding exactly where we are before we can move forward. It’s like having a travel map with an “X” marking the spot that says, “You are here.” Until we know where we are, it’s impossible to chart a course for where we want to go.

To initiate any change effort, we must know our starting point. One effective way is to track our daily activities, wins, and challenges for a week or two. By keeping a record of what happens in our lives, we gain valuable insights into our routines and habits. We can measure various aspects of our lives, such as spending, sleep patterns, hydration, and mood.

Once we have a clear understanding of our usual normal, we establish our baseline. With this knowledge, we can then develop a well-informed plan for progress and growth. Whether we want to improve our time management, financial habits, or overall well-being, having a baseline provides a solid foundation for change.

Remember, to achieve meaningful results and make positive changes, we must first identify our starting point. Tracking our daily activities and habits for a week or two gives us a true picture of where we stand. With this awareness, we can create a roadmap for progress and set ourselves on a path towards a more fulfilling and successful future. Let’s go! It’s time to embrace the power of our baselines. Go forth and embark on a journey of positive transformation!

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